The New World Book of Happiness - Reactions

The New World Book of Happiness: reactions

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The New World Book of Happiness is an exceptional collection that reflects the important role of happiness for society. The various perspectives from the world’s leading scientists reflect the much-needed interdisciplinary approach to better understand differences in happiness. Knowing more about the causes of differences in happiness is a big step towards a world with well-being for all.’

Professor Meike Bartels
President of the International Positive Psychology Association, the Netherlands


‘To gain a deeper understanding of the lifelong quest for well-being and happiness, we all found ourselves thrown into at birth, is almost by definition guaranteed to be worthwhile. The New World Book of Happiness is an excellent and highly inspiring companion on this quest, indeed one that most likely will make you happier while reading it as well.’

Professor Hans Henrik Knoop
Founding member of the International Positive Psychology Association and former president of the European Network for Positive Psychology, Denmark


'The World Book of Happiness gathers insights from a broad international group of experts about what we can do to make the world a happier place. Together we can take the next steps to identify individual actions, human interactions, group dynamics, policies, and political structures that best serve the happiness of all citizens of earth.’

Professor Frank Martela


‘In all these years the project of The World Book of Happiness has gone from strength to strength. This volume is a very special one. I’m honoured to be part of it, twelve years ago and now.’

Professor Valerie Moller


The World Book of Happiness speaks to laypeople about a topic that has often been made too technical by quality-of-life researchers. We certainly need a bridge to help diffuse the science to the general public.’

Professor Joe Sirgy


‘What a meaningful, inspiring and impactful work!’

Professor Christian van Nieuwerburgh
United Kingdom


‘Ultimately, happiness is the only thing of intrinsic value.’

Professor Yew-Kwang Ng
China & Australië


‘We need to reconsider what is a happy, good and worthwhile life. We have the science, let's move it up to the next level.’

Professor Louise Lambert
Canada & United Arab Emirates


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